Sensory Signs of a Declining Alternator That Should Urge You to Seek Auto Electrical Repair

Posted on: 9 April 2021

The alternator is tasked with converting the mechanical energy that stems from the crankshaft onto electrical energy. The wires located in the alternator are what facilitate this process since they penetrate a magnetic field, which activates an electrical current. The electrical current that is produced is what provides energy to the multitude of electrical accessories that your car comprises, from the power windows to the headlights. Not to mention that the alternator also works to charge the battery, and this charge is vital for starting your vehicle. Considering that this alternator needs to be in optimum condition for an array of your car's systems to work, any signs of trouble must prompt you to enlist professional attention. This article outline two sensory signs of a declining alternator that should urge you to seek auto electrical repair.

Foul odours

The moment something starts to smell in your car, you should be concerned about an auto part or system being awry. And while there are many odours that you can catch a whiff of, there are a few that are distinctly related to the alternator being in decline. Knowing what odours to look for will go a long way in ensuring you seek auto electrical repairs in good time. The first odour that should alert you to an underlying issue is the smell of burning. These smells are indicative of undiagnosed electrical fires in your vehicle. When the alternator is under strain, it is at a high likelihood of overheating. As a result, one or more wires can catch fire in the process so it is imperative you see a mechanic immediately. Alternatively, if you can smell burning rubber, it could mean that the belt that functions to keep the alternator operational is in jeopardy. This issue will come about when a pulley is having difficulty rotating, which exposes this belt to undue friction.

Weird noises

The second sensory sign of potential trouble with your alternator is the sudden onset of weird noises whenever you drive. If you start to hear a strange whining sound or, in other cases, a rumbling noise, the alternator is likely in decline. As mentioned above, the alternator works in tandem with the crankshaft pulley as well as an accessory belt. The pulley in the alternator system is designed to spin for it to create the energy needed to keep the engine functional even when it is idling. When the pulley is displaced from its position, it is no longer in alignment with the accessory belt, and this will lead to whining sounds. On the other hand, if the bearings in this system are worn, you will start to hear rumbling sounds.
